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Easy access to tools and scripts from menus.


Speed up workflow, fast navigation around unity, easer management of all the tools we have.
Flexible in case we remove tools , or decide to add new ones.

Why not just shortcuts?
Shortcuts are going to be forgotten, having a single one e.g. TAB or ~ is easy to remember

Distribute shortcut arrangements to users
Allow renaming of shortcuts

How was this made?

Using C#, Unity Editor Widgets, a bunch of cheats such as screenshoting the unity window 
on launch to make the transparent window 🙂

What if you have different shortcuts for different sections of a product?

You can save and load shortcuts and pass them to users depending on context

What if I go to a different IP, will the shortcuts get deleted?

No they will stay in your local cache, when you reopen your project they will be there 🙂

Designed in Figma, with a lot of feedback from techartists across zynga
